Professional Liability (Errors & Omissions) Insurance

Embroker helps business owners get the right professional liability insurance to properly protect your business from civil lawsuits for negligence, common mistakes, malpractice, misrepresentation claims, and more.

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Errors & Omissions Insurance

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What Is Professional Liability Insurance?

Professional liability insurance is commonly known as errors and omissions (E&O), professional indemnity, or malpractice insurance. They all refer to insurance that keeps you and your company protected from civil lawsuits for negligence, common mistakes, omissions, misrepresentation claims, and more.


Professional liability insurance is typically the first policy purchased by anyone providing professional services (lawyers, accountants, consultants, etc.) as they realize these claims can be among the most expensive.

If you already have general liability insurance, you may think that you don’t need professional liability coverage. However, many liability policies only cover bodily injury, personal injury or property damage, so the most likely of claims (i.e. those related to your services) do not fall under the GL umbrella.

For example, professional liability can cover you if a customer chooses to file a claim against you related to a service that you either failed to provide entirely or sufficiently. To clarify, if a service you performed did not have the expected or reasonable results in the eyes of your client, you could be sued.

This means that businesses and professionals operating in industries that require specific expertise will find that general liability insurance policies won’t offer protection against claims that stem from their professional practices – such as malpractice, negligence, or misrepresentation. 

In the medical and healthcare industry, when talking about doctors, chiropractors, dentists, and nurses, this type of insurance is often called malpractice insurance.

A good professional liability policy will be able to cover all of the costs of your defense, as well as your judgments or settlements.

Difference Between General And Professional Liability Insurance

Business owners are often confused about whether they need both the general and professional liability policies. However, the truth is that the exposures the two policies will cover are fairly different, and there’s minimal overlap between them.

General liability insurance will provide broad coverage for claims of bodily injury and property damage resulting from your products, services, or operations.

Professional liability insurance will protect your business from claims explicitly related to the professional services or advice you offer.

For instance, if someone slips and falls on your premises, your general liability policy will respond. If a client decides to sue because the service you provided didn’t have the promised results, your professional liability policy will cover the legal expenses and settlements.

Who Is Professional Liability Insurance Coverage For?

E&O insurance is particularly useful for any business that offers professional services, whether they’re a large firm, small business, or one-person operation. These policies are important and sometimes required for businesses in many industries.

However, some industries need professional liability insurance coverage more than others. Here are some examples:

    • Accountants and CPAs are responsible for managing and reporting on their clients’ financial matters. Errors or negligence in financial reporting, auditing, or tax filing can lead to serious consequences for clients, such as financial losses, penalties, or legal issues. Professional liability insurance protects accountants and CPAs from bearing the full cost of legal defense and settlements in case of mistakes.
    • Example: If an accountant makes a mistake in a client’s tax return, leading to an IRS audit and penalties, professional liability insurance would cover the legal costs and damages. This coverage is essential for accountants and CPAs, as even minor mistakes can result in significant financial repercussions for their clients
    • Bookkeepers and tax preparers handle sensitive financial information and are responsible for maintaining accurate records and preparing tax returns. Mistakes in financial record-keeping or tax preparation can result in costly consequences for clients, like missed tax deductions, penalties, or audits. Professional liability insurance shields bookkeepers and tax preparers from the financial consequences of potential lawsuits.
    • Example: If a bookkeeper fails to properly categorize expenses, causing a client to miss out on tax deductions and incur a higher tax liability, professional liability insurance would cover any resulting financial losses. This coverage is crucial for bookkeepers and tax preparers, as their work directly impacts their clients’ financial well-being.
    • Consultants provide expert advice and recommendations to clients across various industries. Clients rely on this advice to make important business decisions, invest in projects, or implement strategies. If a consultant’s advice or recommendations lead to financial losses or legal issues for the client, the consultant may face a lawsuit. Professional liability insurance protects consultants from the financial consequences of such claims.
    • Example: If a consultant advises a client to invest in a venture that fails, resulting in significant losses, professional liability insurance would cover legal costs and settlements. This coverage is vital for consultants, as their professional opinions and guidance can have far-reaching effects on their clients’ success.
    • Real estate agents facilitate property transactions and are expected to provide accurate information about properties, zoning, and contracts. Misrepresentations or omissions about a property’s condition, legal status, or other important factors can lead to financial losses or legal disputes for clients. Professional liability insurance safeguards real estate agents from the cost of legal defense and settlements in such cases.
    • Example: If a real estate agent fails to disclose known defects in a property, leading to costly repairs for the buyer, professional liability insurance would cover legal expenses and damages. This coverage is essential for real estate agents, as they are often involved in high-value transactions where mistakes can have substantial financial consequences.
  • Home Inspectors
    • Home inspectors assess the condition of properties and provide reports to potential buyers or sellers. Overlooking or misreporting issues during a home inspection can result in significant financial losses for clients, as they may purchase a property with hidden defects or face unexpected repair costs. Professional liability insurance protects home inspectors from bearing the full financial burden of legal claims related to their inspections.
    • Example: If a home inspector fails to identify a significant structural problem, resulting in expensive repairs for the homeowner, professional liability insurance would cover legal costs and settlements. This coverage is crucial for home inspectors, as their reports are relied upon to make informed real estate decisions.
  • IT and Technology Professionals
    • IT and technology professionals develop, implement, and maintain systems, software, and networks for clients. System failures, data breaches, or software glitches can lead to significant financial losses, legal issues, or reputational damage for clients. Professional liability insurance protects IT and technology professionals from the cost of legal defense and settlements in case of such incidents.
    • Example: If an IT professional’s software recommendation leads to a data breach and client financial losses, professional liability insurance would cover legal expenses and damages. This coverage is essential for IT and technology professionals, as the systems and solutions they develop and maintain are critical to their clients’ operations and security.
  • Healthcare Professionals
    • Healthcare professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and therapists, provide medical care and treatment to patients. Medical malpractice, misdiagnosis, or treatment errors can have severe consequences for patients, including worsened health conditions, additional medical expenses, or even loss of life. Professional liability insurance, also known as medical malpractice insurance, protects healthcare professionals from the financial burden of legal claims related to their professional services.
    • Example: If a healthcare professional makes a diagnostic error that leads to a patient’s worsened condition, professional liability insurance would cover legal costs and settlements. This coverage is vital for healthcare professionals, as the nature of their work involves high-stakes decisions and procedures that directly impact patient well-being.

These professions require specialized education or training, and their practice must meet certain state, industry, contract, or client standards. Oftentimes, the professional is licensed for their trade. Compromised standards or not living up to the standard of care can lead to expensive legal defense costs or even litigation which will put your company assets at risk and can even endanger your personal assets.

Really, any small business or large corporation that is providing a service to a client for a fee should look into E&O coverage, whether you’re a dentist, a beautician, or a wedding planner.

Ask yourself:

  • What is the material impact my services have on my clients and what if I make a mistake or upset a client?
  • Are my clients ever at risk of monetary damages if I make a mistake or give bad advice?
  • Is there a lot of variation in the services I provide from person to person?
  • Do I ever make suggestions or claims that could be construed incorrectly?

If you’re answering “yes” to these questions, you should have a professional liability policy. Click the ‘Get Started’ button above to get your instant professional liability insurance quote in just a few minutes.

Why Do You Need Professional Liability Insurance?

No matter how good you are at doing your job and how long you have been doing it, you are bound to make a mistake every now and then or have a disgruntled client. E&O coverage protects you in the case that you do make a mistake that a customer decides to sue you over.

For example, if your client in Springfield, Massachusetts needed important products shipped to him for the grand opening of his store, but your company shipped them to Springfield, Illinois instead, you can expect a lawsuit from that customer.

In some instances, E&O claims aren’t even related to money. A claim can be made for less tangible issues, such as loss of reputation or emotional distress.

Does Professional Liability Insurance Have A Deductible?

Like most coverages, professional liability insurance does have a deductible. A deductible represents a certain amount of money that a business will have to pay out of pocket before its coverage kicks in. Typically, the higher your deductible is, the lower your premium will be.

There are also a number of different deductible options to consider when securing your professional liability policy. Typically, you’ll have to pay a deductible each time you file for a claim. However, most insurers will also offer an aggregate deductible. With this option, you’ll have to pay a capped deductible once annually – and it will cover all your claims, regardless of how many you file.

Additionally, you can specify that you want a first dollar defense deductible option. It will make your deductible apply only to damages and not legal costs.

Keep in mind that these options will make your professional liability more expensive.

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