All attorneys need legal malpractice insurance, even though they hope to never have to use it. 80% of lawyers get sued at some point in their career, and you don’t want to face a lawsuit without legal malpractice insurance. However, certain areas of practice carry a considerably greater amount of risk.
Attorneys practicing in fields of intellectual property, loan modification, trusts, and personal injury cases are considered to be at higher risk by underwriters.
Working with trusts and estates invariably involves sensitive and personal matters, which makes attorneys who practice in these areas open to claims of legal malpractice from unhappy family members and non-client beneficiaries.
Additionally, while malpractice claims are subject to statute of limitations in most jurisdictions, many contain an exception specifically applicable to trusts and estates attorneys. (The statute of limitations is extended until the death of the original client).
Personal injury cases carry the risk of missed deadlines or “failure to calendar.” Additionally, clients often have extremely unrealistic expectations about the potential payouts they’ll receive.
Attorneys working on loan modifications typically work with a very great number of clients. This fact, combined with stringent government regulations, means they are at a significantly higher risk of being sued for alleged malpractice.
Embroker knows that your time is precious, which is why you can get your legal malpractice insurance quote in under 10 minutes with us by telling us more about your business.